Past Announcement      Published: Wed, Nov 23, 2016

Lectures by Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani

As'Salaamu Alaiykum - 

Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani is visiting Masjid As-Sabereen and Masjid Al-Nur starting from Thursday, Nov 24, 2016 thru Sunday, Nov 27, 2016, insha'Allah. There are a series of lectures scheduled mostly at Masjid As-Sabereen and one at Masjid Al-Nur to learn from the Sheikh.

Please take a look at the agenda and please plan to make use of these holidays to learn our Deen better, insha'Allah. Please let your friends and family also know about these lectures.


- Masjid As-Sabereen

Bio of Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani

He Studied at Ez-Zaitouna University in Tunisia and International Islamic University in Egypt.

His experiences include: Being the Imam at Masjid Ibn Abbas, Islamic Center of Brandon, Florida and Currently as a Chaplain Intern at Norwalk Hospital.


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