Announcement      Published: Sun, Dec 24, 2023

Janazah Prayer For Sister Tanya Adeseun

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajeeuna. Sister Tanya Adeseun the wife of Brother AbdulQuadri both from Masjid Al-Sabereen, who was the mother of Ta-Ha (Imam of ICP), Ameerah and Yasmin passed on today full of hope in Allah's Mercy and we accept Allah's Will.

Salat Janaza will be at Masjid Al- Sabereen immediately after Salat Asr today 12/24/2023, and burial will be at the American Islamic Cultural Center immediately after the Salat Janaza.

The address of the burial place is 7117 Westerville road.
Mechanicsburg, pa 17050


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